Is this really life? Or just a semblance of one? Cocooned in this Peaceful, cloying, dusty cell. Without another voice To tell me that I’m dreaming. That all this Is nothing more than A scheming of a Colourful imagination. Or is this hell? The seeming of the bird calls Outside Nothing to rejoice in. Because they tell me I’m not living. Just eking out the hours, While the powers of What essence remains, Is rendered from my bones. So, is this the end? And will inevitable Darkness come? Perhaps to slay me when I least expect it. And because I have neglected My soul. And sworn to mock this vital Gift by paying it the least of Heed. Or will I be reborn? Is this the time, When, finally, I Seek to climb From morbid sleep? To creep into the light And feel the silky grass beneath My unshod feet? The sun upon my face. The grace of God Back in my heart. Or is it all too late? Have I passed that hour, And must I start To slowly fling my Things away. And will you hear me tell, That there's no more to life. And I must stay. Coccooned And peaceful in my cloying, dusty, Cell.
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What essence remains,
Is rendered from my bones<<<felt this
“Cocooned in this
Peaceful, cloying, dusty cell.” ❤️